H. 'Crusader'
nah, don't think so...

As you may have gathered from various other comments on this website, we do add to our Hosta variety each year by picking up additional bare roots at Costco in the spring. The problem with that is two-fold: first of all you don't know whether the contents of the package are as labelled and secondly you don't know for up to 3 or 4 years later if indeed these roots are HVX free. Nonetheless, the price is always attractive and a great persuader.

Last year, 2007, this was one of the ones where the contents did not match the label. Before I'd set about in earnest to uncover its true identity, I wanted to make sure that the plant was HVX free and certainly so far in its second year here there is no evidence it isn't. So, I posted a couple of pictures on one of the Hosta Forums I frequent and the considered opinion would appear to be that this is 'Crusader'. And we'll use that name until such time as it becomes clear it really is something else. If you feel you want to pipe-up about its identity, just use the contact page and give me your thoughts, please.

As you can see, the petioles have a bit of a blush to them, something that should aid in identification, as well the picture of the flowers below.

Just having seen a 'proper' 'Crusader' I am now of the opinion that this is still not a correctly identified plant. The real thing is much more green than what this one is. We'll keep digging...

Hugo's Database shows additional details on this cultivar.

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Pages last updated 28 November 2018