We made the (understandable) leap of faith that the lily bulbs Waita picked up at the Richmond City worksyard in 2003 would be one of the two varieties they had up as illustrations. Judging by what we have had flower out of what we picked up, it just ain't so. Go to Surprise and you'll see pictures of a couple of fascinating lilies, but neither bear any remote resemblance to the posted varieties. Surprised?
For 2004 we were able to pick up some 'Amatist' or 'Amathyst' and we are looking forward to adding their portraits once they flower in July/August. Again, we're making a leap of faith here, they did come
from Costco and based on past experience we shouldn't be shocked to find the contents of the package to be not as shown; somebody goofed in packing or labeling, take
your pick. Bottom line is you don't get what you expected. We'll just have to wait until July to see the blooms.
Now that we have our first bloom on June 28th 2004, it has become clear that there is a serious issue with the difference between illustration and contents when it comes to what we bought at Costco (I know, it's what you get for being a cheapskate). In the case of 'Amathyst' it is one of the picture being MUCH darker/richer in colour than what they actually are.
Here it's July 2nd and notice how the original bloom shown
above has faded, it's not hard to figure out which one it is. At 5 days of age there's barely any pink left in the petals.
Notice the trumpet buds in the background, they are a white variety called 'Lorina'. Last year they were the first ones of our trumpets to open up, this year however the 'Midnight' we have on the far end of this planter is now in full bloom and I'd say that these are probably another 10 days or so before they'll show.
There's no denying the charm of the soft,
delicate colours 'Amatist' has when it first opens. It fades too quickly though:(