Expression, Marco Polo or Aruba

One of the earlier ones to start blooming is a variety we referred to as 'ARUBA'. It starts out from an almost white bud and, as it matures, it becomes a very nice shade of pink.
Funny thing is that with most all of the lilies we have, they do not look like the pictures on the packaging they came in: they're close, but not the same.
It has become clear to us this year that we have a case of mis-identification in our yard of at least 3 different varieties of Oriental Lilies: 'Aruba', 'Expression' and 'Marco Polo'. We'll eventually get to the bottom of it all and rectify it here. For example, we rather suspect that 'Aruba' and 'Expression' have been mixed up and what we call 'Marco Polo' bears no resemblance to what we have seen illustrated elsewhere as such.
Can YOU see how the lily in this label picture and the ones below are supposed to be the same variety:)?

For the sake of discussion let's assume that the picture on the packaging label should provide a few clues to solve a mystery and help identify the bloom. 'Aruba' and 'Expression' have been the source of great confusion. We have always referred to the variety you see here as 'Expression' and the more I look at their respective labels the more I'm convinced that this is actually 'Aruba'. What makes me say that lies in the clue provided by the colouration of the speckles of the blooms.
If you scroll back up you'll notice that the speckles in the 'Aruba' label picture are WHITE, the same as the speckles in the picture beside us. The speckles on the blooms in the other picture are pinkish, which is what you see on the 'Expression' label:). Mystery solved I'd like to think! Will the REAL 'Expression' please rise:)
As much as I'd like to think I have solved the mystery of the misidentified lilies, the saga continues. I'm still not 100% convinced we have the real McCoy here. 'Expression' and 'Marco Polo' according to their respective labeling are very close in appearance and the subject will require further and closer scrutiny.